Are Current U.S. Immigration Policies Some Form of Ethnic Cleansing?
Etymology and Extracts
The reporters are calling what happened at DHS a PURGE. It is. It fits in with the current administration’s move towards ethnic cleansing. DHS officials, recently fired, didn’t play ball, and so they were dispatched:
“…the goal was everywhere the same: to make the place purely Serb, to render it impossible for Bosnia’s different groups to live together ever again.” — George Packer.
Trump administration immigration policy moves since 2017:
Check this quote by Hillary Clinton, a Democrat. She starts out talking about Europe but she is talking about America ultimately:
Here’s an excerpt from analysis from PASTE Magazine on Trump’s actions:
Here is a headline and commentary from the Institute of Policy Studies —
“the systematic and forced removal of the members of an ethnic group from communities in order to change the ethnic composition of a given region.” (Ilan Pappe)
(Prof. Roy Martinez)