Fake Capitalist Bamas and Bums
American companies can’t take the heat from China
The electric car company in China is called BYD which stands for “Build Your Dreams.” Trump and Musk and Biden and Harris and Vance and anyone else up in the American castle wants to keep their cars out of this country.
You know why?
Because they make a superior electric car.
BYD’s emergence is not sudden either. BYD has been on the rise for years. The company saw the handwriting by April 2022 and shifted away from gas vehicles. The company does not produce vehicles that run on gas or oil anymore. The company’s rise has been steady and methodical. They would take over the American market but for our “socialism for oligarchs” culture in America. What happened to the F N invisible hand? What happened to competition?
I want a BYD car. I don’t want a TESLA. F that dude. He is a sick, sociopathic person.
The rise of BYD did not get a lot of play in the America press, but it is more evidence of the changing world we live in right now. China, as has been predicted for years, remains on the move, economically and globally. They will take over the market eventually. Rich folks will get the car eventually and when word leaks out, they will get one.
BYD is run by the antithesis of Elon. The gentleman’s sname is Wang Chuanfu. Wang is a billionaire but also a chemist who started BYD in 1995. BYD was started as a battery company but now has diversified and has become a powerhouse in the electric vehicle industry. Boom, take that Elonagated Musk.
These were the years when China opened its economy. Wang was part of the wave of innovators and business persons getting in early. In 2009, Warren Buffet invested $239 billion. That is when the company began to rise even more though it had been doing well before that.
Wang, unlike Musk, is not trying to hide his connections to family wealth and privilege either. He is from China’s peasant class, not affluent, at all. Peasant class. When his parents died, leaving behind a large family, Wang accepted the challenge and responsibility of helping his family. He went to university and excelled. He pivoted to education then BYD.
BYD’s chief strength explaining its rise is its ability to create a manufacturing process that limits mistakes. It’s strength also is Wang’s vision. He has marked 2025 as the year BYD shall become the #1 vehicle maker in the world. It will. Watch. Biden tried to stop it and so will the Grifter and that musky dude.
Who doubts it will happen? No one doubts it.
They see the writing on the wall. China will become the #1 economic power in the world soon. BYD is just more of an indication of that reality. If anything, the American capitalists are looking to jump onboard the rising ship and get paid. Get that paper. That’s all. Trump’s rhetoric is just that: hot air. He is a greedy, amoral stooge of a human. He don’t care about American workers. Neither does Elon. His vision of the world is that movie ‘Escape From New York.’
Remember that dystopian crazy shit. The Grifter’s plans is to prop up weak ass companies in the U.S. He already said he won’t let Nippon Steel buy U.S. Steel. U.S. Steel is a dinosaur.
Be a capitalist, you broke azz grifting azz bum.
This essay is the invisible hand. Live by it. We do.
And now, a word from Gang of Four while I dream of my car from BYD: