Hey thanks for the dialogue. But I want to stress, This is not a call for separation. I am an American. If I move to Iceland, that will still be true. But what I describe is the thing every American seeks when they arrive here. Complete independence is not a call to leave here or separate. Like, just say, America one day splinters into several countries. African Americans like all Americans would want to still have control over their lives and the lives of their children. Jewish people did it for centuries. It is why they endure. The Mormons basically did it in Utah. It is what every free people want. It is your human right. If America falls apart, what becomes of you and your village? If you have that independence completely, you know what happens. Granted, much of this is on African Americans but it has to be said also, manifested. I don't think young people object to this and it makes the country better not more split.