It is time to limit 98 percent of your purchases to "needs." It is time to boycott most of the multinational chainstores. It is the only way out of this morass. Stop complaining and act. Groceries? Find a farmer's market or a Co-op for most of your purchases. Plan your shopping better. Stop driving so much. Take the bus if you can or subway. Ride a bike. Do you need a new phone every time one comes out? Do you even need a phone? I know older people in their 70s who get those AARP phones. We are supporting our own exploitation by purchasing from these parasites. I do admit this will require a lot of thought and planning for each individual. But we cannot continue to support this ungodly crooked system. It is not as if Harris would have flipped the system on its head, which is why she never could create a ground swell of support. If she had won, people would have settled into complacency.