Most importantly, the colonies had African chattel slaves, and Native Americans were also bought and sold as property to be forced to work. So were Europeans owned as indentured servants. However, by the mid 17th century, the colonies, as a result of unrest, and white supremacy, racialized its chattel slave, forced labor system. Only Africans were slaves for life and their children were also immediately slaves as well. This was never the case before that in the colonies. It is a very, unique, and depraved system. White supremacy and the caste system was also ultimately used to justify the actual system. Africans were dismissed as subhuman pagans who had no chance at salvation because they didn't accept the Christian "white" god as their savior. Thus, anything could be done to them in the name of profit including rape and murder. The Catholic Church endorsed their approach as early as the 15th century before Columbus' voyages. So, yes, you are totally correct to call out this person on Tik Tok. I appreciate this essay very much.