My article is about lawyering mostly how Depp won. It wasn’t because he was defamed. He’s a celebrity with deep pocket and a careful, strategy called “forum shopping.” Go look up the articles on the trial in the UK. The physical abuse was proven. But you know, you get to the casino called America, and things change. I am biased. But I am not arguing the facts of the trial. The facts came out in England a few years ago and he lost. My piece mostly points out that Depp’s lawyers saw an opportunity to try the case in Virginia, a state with weak laws on free speech in cases like this. Celebrities used to sue in Virginia for that reason. Virginia changed the law recently to stop it and because Depp brought the circus to their state. Depp had better lawyers and resources and a social media strategy as well. Didn’t he lose the same case basically in the U.K.? He did. And tried to appeal and they laughed at him. But he knew he had this trick up his sleeve. The Washington Post’s online server is in Fairfax, VA. So he sued in Virginia. Her lawyers argued that neither of them ever lived in Virginia. The case should be tried in California. Depp’s lawyers won that motion. The case was mostly over.