Some good points here. White supremacy is a racial caste system created by Europeans in America to maintain power and privilege and advantage. I also reject the idea of "white" people. I also think people taking responsibility for the creation of the system and maintenance of it don't have to embrace that idea. It is America's system. African Americans and others sadly perpetuate it as well though they gain little from that. We should be focusing more of what we are for, what kind of society we want, rather than the society we don't want. I do disagree with your comments on DEI and woke. Being woke in the African American sense has nothing to do with DEI. ZERO. It is pretty funny that most people don't understand the term. It is an underground term that used to be only part of African America's vernacular. Yet, woke has been hijacked by conservatives with an ugly agenda. They have no idea what it means historically and no way they can know because the term has its roots in Black history and literature. How could they know in a country that is racially segregated still over 60 years after the Brown decision?