This is actually really good thinking. It is hard to respond to all of it. I will try to drop a few comments here. CRT Is important to me because it just provides a better approach to the issue of racism & white supremacy. I was there when it was first becoming popular because I was in law school. Derrick Bell came to our class and he never used the term - CRT. He didn't/ But he did speak of racism differently. Those civil rights lawsuits and the Civil Rights laws of the 1960s were supposed to dismantle America's caste system. It didn't. That's because lawsuits cannot fix this and laws can't either. They can be part of a bigger solution. Yet, the institutions of white supremacy just dig in, deeper and deeper. They remake themselves, invest more money, and the madness we all have to live rolls on. CRT is actually part of the absurdity of our lives living in a society where a fictional reality (race) has been created to benefit some of the people. Yet, CRT has no choice. In order to expose the craziness of a society rooted and founded on racial superiority, CRT has to talk about race, even though it is not real. Race is not real is a fact that most Americans still can't wrap their heads around. I am reading a book right now by Angela Saini. The book is called Superior, and is about eugenics. It is like the book I have been waiting on for 30 years. It exposes the whole dumb absurdity of all of this. That is why I wrote that piece weeks back called "Race Blind, Color Blind." Because race is not real. The thing that is real is color and our actual differences like hair, skin color, eye color, etc. But that stuff does not make us different races because there is no such thing. All of us are linked back to one ancestor born on the continent of Africa.
And there is nothing superior or inferior about any of us rooted in some alternate race categories like European, Asian,African, etc.. There is one race - homo sapiens. I think CRT's challenge is to evolve now and pivot more to that. CRT is great to me, but because it is analyzing something amazingly stupid and not real, it has to evolve and focus more on that now. Some of the writers do that. But remember CRT is just taking the system, as it is - race as a social construct. It has to.
I will also try to respond about the idea of calling people white supremacists. Unless a person is like Trump or Tucker or similar types, I try to avoid that. I am not letting people off the hook. I just feel like men call women names and/or engage is sexist acts all the time but no one dismisses them as hopelessly a sexist. I think our actions can be racist and/or sexist but that does not mean that is who we are. Each day we have a chance to get better at this. Many of us are trying hard to understand things. America, by creating a racist caste system, really set us all on a terrible path and fucked us over. It is such brainwashing. The school system does not teach the children about the truth of our history and the truth of African history in America. Most of the founding fathers owned Africans as slaves, for example, and Lincoln was an admitted white supremacist. He actually believed Europeans were superior to Africans. That is something that has to be taught at some point in all of the schools. The bad has to be taught. America is not close to doing that kind of teaching. Nor will it teach about the thousands of Americans who worked against chattel slavery and helped Africans obtain land and freedom. Quakers were in the middle of running parts of the Underground Railroad. Our children never learn about any of them. Levi Coffin is one. There were many when i lived in Michigan, who I researched.
Now strangely enough, I am going to end with Trump, who I first encountered as a teenager and I knew he was a swindler. But, there are a lot of swindlers. He was also a typical NY bigot. But, he was who he was. When he started that birther craziness, and then ran for President, I warned many people. This guy is bad news and not because he is a racist or anything. He is a grifter and he really destroys businesses, jobs, and lives with his recklessness. Don't fall for him. He is a sociopath. When him and his father got sued for mass discrimination in NYC, it was no surprise. I only found out many years later. But that's him though. He ruined hotels in Atlantic City and in other cities. That's what he does.
With that said, he was supposed to be a change agent. He was supposed to come in and shake up the system. I wrote an essay about him saying he could have been somebody. He could have. But he would have had to go another way. America has a two party system that is corrupt, and is in collusion to maintain power over the political processes and apparatus. They pretend to be fighting with each other but that is the game they play with us. Bernie Sanders and Trump were both change agents. Democrats rigged their primary system; the GOP didn't, so Trump won. Yet, he gets into office and he just becomes part of the stupid two party system. Just like when Obama won, Obama just became part of the stupidity. Now, I already didn't like Trump personally, so when he took the path he took, I was done with the guy even more. He had a chance to do something and he just turned the whole thing into a damned traveling circus. Then he tries to overthrow the government? I don't think he wants to be President again but he likes attention.